What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)?
Explore the Benefits of Hyperbaric in WNY

HBOT can aid in the recovery process by increasing the amount of oxygen delivered to the body’s tissues, which can help to speed up healing and reduce inflammation.

Increased oxygenation through HBOT can help promote healing in a range of conditions, including wounds, infections, and certain neurological disorders.

With its ability to increase oxygen delivery to tissues and reduce inflammation, both of which are thought to play a role in aging, HBOT can help you look and feel younger.
The Synergy hyperbaric difference
Understanding Conflicting HBOT Research
Western New York's Newest Hyperbaric Oxygen Wellness Center
Open to public and no referrals needed.
Using the latest, cutting-edge, chamber technology, Synergy Hyperbaric provides a premier HBOT experience at all 3 WNY locations.
Check out our partner,
Synergy Nutrition and Wellness.
At Synergy Nutrition and Wellness we offer Designed Clinical Nutrition based on the consumption of real whole food. This allows the body to repair and heal itself just as nature intended it to.
"Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen in the tissues, is the fundamental cause for all degenerative disease. Oxygen is the source of life to all cells."
-Stephen Levine-
Whether you’re curious about HBOT or if you’re ready to book an appointment, we’re here to answer any questions.